Cultural beliefs- major factor hindering women from politics in Ukambani Region

Cultural beliefs have been singled out as the major factors hindering women from being elected to political positions in Ukambani region.

According to the Makueni Civil Society Network (MCSN), Chairman, Mr. Daniel Mutunga, men in the region have an assumption that women should only be confined to homes, as some fear that they will be overshadowed by women, if they ascend to high positions.

“Men say that women will take over all their responsibilities if they are elected to high positions. As a result, men feel they will have problems,” said Mutunga in Wote Town, Tuesday, while spearheading campaigns to create awareness among the residents, to ensure the 2/3 Gender Rule is adhered to, especially during the General Elections scheduled for 9th August 2022.

While saying it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure women were elected in all political positions, he also challenged National and County governments, to ensure that women were appointed to serve in high positions in a bid to adhere to 2/3 Gender Rule which is enshrined in the constitution.

The campaigns were sponsored by Action Aid, where the main participants were Red Cross, Makueni Youth Network, Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and Makueni Development Trust (MADET) among others.

While calling for peaceful campaigns across the country, Mutunga discouraged politicians against divisive politics, which would disturb the peace the country is enjoying currently.

“I call on all politicians across the country to conduct peaceful campaigns and avoid any divisive politics that would divide people in the country,” he said.

A representative of the Makueni Youth Network, Pauline Nduati, also discouraged the youth from allowing themselves to be used by politicians to cause chaos, especially in campaign rallies. She instead encouraged them to ensure they took part in electing leaders come election time.



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