Detectives in Embu launch investigations into killing of prominent trader

Detectives in Embu are trying to unravel the mystery behind the killing of prominent businessman, Denis Mbae, by unknown assailants in Bonanza area yesterday night.

Mbae according to the police was accosted by gunmen off Embu-Kiritiri road, while driving home at around 11pm.

The gunmen who were aboard a numberless vehicle blocked him and started spraying his vehicle with bullets and later sped-off.

It is suspected that Mbae who is well known in Embu Town, was executed as nothing was stolen from him.

Embu OCPD, Julius Kyumbule, said they received information concerning the incident from members of the public and upon arrival found the victim’s vehicle lying in a ditch.

He said the victim had at the time been rushed to Embu Level Five Hospital where he later succumbed to the injuries he sustained during the attack.

The police boss said investigations had been launched to establish who killed him and why.

His death has however been met with mixed reactions with some quarters claiming he was a crime lord involved in serious crimes ranging from drug trafficking, murders, car theft and house breakings.

On Thursday morning, Embu Level Five mortuary was a beehive of activity as hundreds of locals jammed the facility to view his body.

In 2019, the trader was apprehended and charged at an Embu court with drug trafficking.



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