Don’t be left out in the next government, Chege urges people from Central Kenya

Murang’a County Woman Representative Sabina Chege has called upon people from Mount Kenya region to be part of the next government which she believes will be formed by Azimio-One Kenya Alliance.

Chege on Thursday observed that the popularity of Raila Odinga and Martha Karua presidential candidacy is growing day by day and without any doubt, they will form the next government after the exit of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

She therefore cautioned the Gema community that they risked being left out of the next regime saying Raila getting small support from the region will reduce bargaining power on what the area will get in the next administration.

“I appeal to people of the central region to support the Azimio-One Kenya Alliance. The coalition is made up of trustworthy people who have fought for the rights of Kenyans for many years. Let’s give leadership to people of integrity, who respect every mwananchi,” stated Chege while addressing women in Kinyona village.

The county MP and an ardent supporter of Azimio-One Kenya coalation observed that it will be hard for her among other leaders from the region to demand more resources if Raila will not get overwhelming support from central Kenya.

“We want to have a strong bargaining platform and that will be based on the number of votes the alliance will get from this region,” she explained.

The legislator continued: “Those who started their campaigns six year ago thought they would remain on top but from the look of things, their popularity is dwindling. The Azimio team was committed to ensure our candidate’s popularity rise to more than 55 percent by the end of July,” she said.

Meanwhile Chege said Azimio-One Kenya Alliance is planning to conduct intensive campaigns in Mount Kenya region saying they are targeting to meet specific groups.

“From next week, we will embark on grassroots campaigns, we will come with humility to ask for support. We know every vote counts and our aim is to get more than 55 percent in the coming election,” added Chege.

She underscored the coalition’s manifesto which was unveiled a few days ago saying whatever was promised can be achieved. She said corruption has been a big hurdle in achieving better living standards for all Kenyans.



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