DP Ruto to accelerate issuance of IDs in Mandera 

Deputy President William Ruto has promised Mandera residents he will accelerate issuance of national identity cards (ID) to them, if elected president in the August 9 polls.

Dr. Ruto who led the Kenya Kwanza leaders in a campaign trail for the North Eastern region running this week, promised to end historical injustices in the region.

He said the vice has retarded development, promising all Kenyans would be treated equally.

The Deputy President promised to enter into a political agreement with residents of Mandera and North Eastern in general, to ensure all his pledges are fulfilled.

He warned his political detractors that he would not allow them to interfere with his development agenda for the country through hate speech.

During an economic forum held in Mandera town, Dr Ruto said the region was lagging behind economically due to what he termed as poor leadership.

He also pledged to improve the local economy of all the pastoral communities if elected to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Dr Ruto said his government was keen on establishing irrigation schemes in the Arid and Semi-Arid parts of the Country.

The DP began his tour of North Eastern in Garissa County on Monday before taking the campaigns to Wajir on Tuesday. The campaign trail will proceed to Mandera South (Elwak) and expected to proceed to Mandera West (Takaba) and will traverse to Moyale and Marsabit.



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