Embu residents raise alarm over garbage pileup

Residents of Manyatta Township in Embu County have raised alarm over a pileup of uncollected garbage and pointed an accusing finger at the County Government over laxity in keeping their environment clean and safe.

Residents lamented that the heaps of garbage that have remained uncollected for months are not only an eyesore but a health hazard.

Majority of those affected are traders in the open air market and neighbouring shop owners who have been forced to make do with the unending pungent smell emanating from the solid waste pileup.

Manyatta Open Air Market chairman Bernard Kinyua said the concrete bin is rarely emptied and the accumulated waste that is strewn all over was exposing them to myriad health complications such as respiratory diseases and cholera.

He said they have on many occasions complained to the County Government over relocation of the dumping site but no action has so far been taken.

“Our prayer is to have the dumping site relocated to another space outside residential areas,” Kinyua said, noting that emptying it was not the solution.

Another resident Joseph Mugendi said, “We are urging the county government to use the levies they collect from us to buy alternative land for waste disposal.”

Businesswoman Fridah Kariuki said the drainage system in the town had been clogged by waste and flood water was mixing with garbage and ended up finding its way into their homes exposing them to biological and chemical hazards.

She called on the County Government to speed up the cleanup exercise of the town to make their working environment clean.



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