Kericho disabled learners benefit from bursary

The government through the National Council for Persons Living with Disabilities (NCPWD) has disbursed over Sh1 million this financial year through the school fees bursary programme for learners with special needs in Kericho County.

About 41 students enrolled in various learning institutions catering for the learners with special needs in the County have benefitted from the bursary.

Speaking to KNA in Litein town, Bureti sub-county, Kericho on Wednesday, the area disability officer Ms Hellen Tuei said the bursary targets needy students living with disabilities and also those whose parents are not in a position to secure employment to cater for the education needs of their children.

She revealed that special learners pursuing secondary education receive Sh30, 000, while those in primary and vocational institutions receive Sh20, 000 and those in colleges get Sh 40,000.

“41 learners with special needs enrolled in eighteen schools within Kericho County this financial year have benefitted with school fees bursaries of Sh1, 180, 081 notably Belgut sub-county12 schools with special learners benefited, in Bureti sub-county eight, Londiani sub-county seven, and Soin/Sigowet sub-county eleven schools. In exceptional cases the special learner receives full bursary,” said Ms Tuei.

The County disability officer said the registered learners are confirmed by a county vetting committee chaired by the area county commissioner and composed of five members drawn from the line ministries that handle children matters, which include Ministry of Education, Social Services among others.

Ms Tuei who is visually impaired said parents with children living with disabilities ought to have them register with the council office in order to access the school fees bursary through their national disability card.

The officer added that the program caters for special learners in universities, colleges, boarding secondary schools, primary and vocational institutions.

In the same breath, Ms Tuei advised families living with children with disabilities to expose them to learning environments to equip them with skills for them to be self-reliant and productive in society.

In an interview with Head teacher for St. Kizito School for the deaf in Bureti sub-county Kericho, Ms Rosemary Munyendo, said nine deaf children in the school have benefitted from the monies and commended NCPWD for supporting needy learners.



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