Former Deputy Governor joins Lamu race

Former deputy Governor and Narc Kenya Gubernatorial aspirant Eric Mugo has officially been cleared by the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission to contest in the forthcoming August 9th polls.

The former deputy governor will now be pitted against his former boss Issa Timamy who is running on a Kenya Kwanza ticket, The Safina Party’s Umra Omar and current incumbent who is flying the Jubilee flag Fahim Twaha.

Speaking to the media today after he was cleared by the IEBC at the Lamu Fort registration desk, Eric Mugo stated that by throwing his hat in the gubernatorial race

Former Deputy Governor Eric Mugo has stated that he is in the running for the county’s top seat in a bid to serve Lamu residents better in comparison with the former and present governor.

He further stated that his decision to run in the forthcoming elections in August for the gubernatorial seat was based on calls by youths who urged him to throw his hat in the race.

The 45 year old politician further said that he is running as the “youths’ candidate” saying that the two front runners have had their day in Lamu politics.

“It is the belief of my supporters who cut across all the communities living in Lamu, who aided me in my decision to run for the governor’s seat,” Mugo said.

He further noted that his experiences as a former deputy governor will further aid him in his quest to be the next Lamu governor, adding that he already knows where the gaps are and what needs to be addressed.

He promised to improve the scholarship and bursary programme in Lamu, stating that the marks need to be reduced from 300 marks upto 250 marks in order for the policy to make a difference.

“Apart from education there is also a need to pull in specialist doctors who, the two governors have not been able to rope in in order to make a difference in the healthcare sector,” Mugo stated, adding that the number of referrals to Mombasa are still too high.

“My tenure will be marked by increased job creation especially with the coming of the Lamu Port which offers a host of opportunities to rope in investors, who can and will offer jobs to hundreds of qualified youth in Lamu,” the Narc Kenya gubernatorial candidate said.

He further pledged that his first budget as the governor will be to ensure that all the incomplete projects from both regimes are fully funded and completed.

His Deputy Governor candidate Dickon Phondo, who also spoke to the media noted that their ticket is the one to beat based on their diversity and youthfulness.

Phondo noted that their candidature is based on the need to provide services to all Lamu residents regardless of tribe or ethnicity.



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