Give us transport to vote, PWDs tell IEBC

Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Hirimani Ward, Bura Constituency have urged IEBC and candidates to provide transport for them to vote in the upcoming August poll.

“IEBC or candidates should provide the disabled with transport. If they provide transport it will be easier for us to get to the polling station to vote,” said Harun Muhammad, a PWD leader in Bura town during a voter education forum organized by Muslim for Human Rights (MUHURI) in partnership with IEBC. He encouraged PWDs to exercise their civic duty by voting,

“I will inform PWDs to turn up in large numbers to vote, if they arrive at the polling station they will be helped. If one is disabled, they will not queue to enable them vote quickly”.

Harun advised the electoral body and other stakeholders to roll out mass voter education to reach many voters at the village level and educate them on the voting process.

If a person is illiterate, Harun said, he can be helped; also many voters did not understand the voting process but were taught practically by IEBC officials.

“On Election Day, voters should come out and choose leaders who have wisdom, morals, and who have the motive to help the people. I am asking Kenyans, especially young people not to fight because of a politician,’ advised Harun.

“We the voters will remain as neighbours after the election. Let’s vote peacefully and love each other. Political factions should not divide us, let’s live harmoniously as Kenyans.”

Esther Musyoka Bura, a resident termed the teachings as useful saying she will educate young people not to cause chaos during the voting exercise.

“What we are asking is for our election to be peaceful for the benefit of Kenya,” she said.

Bura Constituency has five wards Chewele, Madogo, Hirimani, Bangale, and Sala. Hirimani ward has the highest number of registered voters with 10,750, Bangale (10,129), Sala (8806), and Madogo (7,884).



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