Government deploys policemen to security troubled area

The government has opened up a fully fledged GSU camp at Kom division headquarters in a bid to tackle the problem of insecurity in the remote part of Isiolo County.

The government also opened an Assistant County Commissioner’s office which was closed at the division headquarters due to insecurity.

Isiolo County Commissioner Mr. Geoffrey Omoding said that additional security personnel were deployed to the area which had been witnessing incidents of banditry and retaliatory attacks among herders who had been migrating there in search of water and pasture.

Omoding led the County security team to put up tents for the officers who would be patrolling the notorious Kom-Lososia road to ensure security was guaranteed in the area.

The administrator said that the Assistant County Commissioner would be posted to the Division to ensure there was delivery of government services to the tax-payers.

Omoding said that the government would redeploy former National Police Reservists to backup security agencies’ effort in areas where livestock thefts were rampant and warned those behind the crime that their days are numbered.

He added that more officers from GSU would soon put up camps at Mlango and Attan areas to ensure enhancement of security along the Isiolo-Samburu counties boundary.

The CC said that the amnesty to surrender illegal firearms still stood and urged elders and opinion leaders to advice herders to submit them and they would pardoned.

Omoding added that since herders from the neighbouring counties had left the area with their animals at the beginning of the month, no incidences of insecurity were reported.

He directed chiefs and their assistants to stick to pasture and water users committees’ rules where herders from other counties should seek permission before coming with their animals.

On Isiolo-Meru border, the County boss warned leaders from both sides against inciting wananchi saying those implicated would be dealt with according to rule of the law.

He said that some leaders were taking advantage of the forth coming polls to get relevance in order to get elected.

Omoding directed chiefs and their assistant to be vigilant on politicians who are campaigning saying the official campaign period was yet to be officially announced by IEBC and warned those with the habit of holding night meetings that they risked arrest.



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