Government, IEBC working to ensure peaceful elections

Security agencies are working with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to ensure that peace prevails during the forthcoming General Election, Interior and Coordination of National Government Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Fred Matiang’i has said.

Speaking during the ground-breaking ceremony of Nyaura Primary School in Kisii Central Sub County, Matiang’i urged the residents to follow the guidelines put in place by the Commission and ensure that the elections are conducted peacefully.

“Let us conduct and maintain peace during this period of campaigns, during the elections, and after the elections,” the CS said.

He noted that Kisii and Nyamira counties had not experienced any serious cases of violence in the region and urged security personnel to avoid getting involved in political activities.

On matters of education, Matiang’i noted that Kisii county has a huge challenge in terms of infrastructural development and schools did not have sufficient classrooms.

“I am happy that the County Commissioner told us this morning when he was briefing us that CBC classrooms were complete in terms of expansion of classes in Kisii,” the CS said.

He added the county will embark on phase two of the construction of CBC classrooms and encouraged public servants to help the parents in enhancing the infrastructure during that period.



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