Governor gives DCI two weeks ultimatum to finalise murder investigations 

Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire has asked the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to hasten investigations into the recent arson attack at Ngimari village in which seven member of a family lost their lives.

She urged the sleuths to piece up and consolidate the evidence gathered during the probe to ensure that those found culpable of the heinous act were arraigned in court in at least two weeks to face preferred charges.

Mbarire during the burial of the ill-fated family members in Ngimari village, Gichiche Sub location Runyenjes Constituency where charred remains of the victims were recovered after suspect arson attack.

“I am giving the DCI two weeks’ ultimatum to conclude their investigations into the murder of the seven family members and bring the culprits behind it to book,” she stressed.

The Governor said that all the indications from early investigations indicated that the death of the seven family members was as a result of an arson.

The seven who died on October 2 were a husband, his wife, their three children and two grandchildren.

Embu Women Representative Njoki Njeru said that if by the end of two weeks the DCI would not have arrested the people behind the arson, she would mobilize residents to hold peaceful demonstrations to demand for justice.

Kirimari Member of County Assembly (MCA) Ibrahim Swaleh said that it has been a culture in Kenya that DCI takes a long duration of time conducting investigations into cases until people forget about them adding that this time, they would not settle for nothing but justice.

Runyenjes Member of Parliament Eric Muchangi Karemba called on Embu County Government to allocate a fire truck to be based at Runyenjes Constituency so that in cases of fire incidences, the response could be fast to avoid loss of property and lives.

Dr. Oliver Kariuki, an extended member of the deceased family condemned the act saying it’s a shame and inhumane act for someone to step low to a level of killing a whole family he said that the deceased family had no controversy and was a calm family.

Kariuki called on the County Directorate of Criminal Investigations to speed up investigations so as to ensure they are served with justice.

“We want to condemn this act with very strong terms. We cannot understand how someone can step too low to a level of killing a whole family. This is shameful and inhumane. Let the DCI speed up investigations so that we are served with justice,” said Kariuki.

Embu East Deputy County Commissioner Jane Waruinge while congratulating the residents who have come out to volunteer information concerning the fire which led to the death of the seven family members to DCI, urged more residents who might be having additional information to volunteer it to the DCI to help in investigations.

The DCC at the same time assured the residents of Ngimari village Gichiche Sub location that the DCI was up to the task and that soon the culprits behind the fire that led to the death of the seven family members would be brought to book.

The bodies of the seven family members were laid to rest at Ngimari village Gichiche Sublocation Runyenjes Constituency Embu in a mass grave within their compound.



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