Governor Mutai Flushes out Private Developer at Kericho Dumpsite

Kericho Governor Eric Mutai has led an operation to evict out a private developer who had encroached on a two-acre County ppublic land at the Kericho dumpsite on the outskirts of Kericho town.

Dr Mutai who was accompanied by officers from the Kericho county government Tuesday declared the title deed to the invaded public land null and void vowing to restore sanity and integrity in the use of public resources.

“The Title deed given to persons who purchased land belonging to the Kericho Dump site has been revoked and that involves all other illegal occupations of public land within the County,” stressed Dr Mutai

At the same time, the governor directed the Kericho County Secretary to publish in a gazette notice all pieces of public land that had been grabbed within the County which will serve as an order for persons in possession of public land to vacate before further action is taken.

The governor who walked from his office at the Central Business District to the dumpsite at the outskirts of Kericho town in the company of other County officials, further intimated that in total, 20 acres of land has been grabbed at various places within Kericho.

He has also directed the Chief of Staff and the Director of the County Department of lands to write a detailed report concerning parcels of public land that have been grabbed in the County.

“The Chief of Staff and the Director in the County Lands department also need to explain where they were when the pieces of land were grabbed. I need that report first before further action is taken,” added Dr Mutai.

The County Secretary has further been instructed to suspend all the County land officers found culpable of illegally delivering title deeds of public land at various places pending investigations and further disciplinary action.

The governor insisted, “This trend of encroaching on public property has to end in Kericho. It’s very unfortunate that land that should be used by the jua kali artisans has been grabbed.”

“As a custodian of public property, I will remain steadfast in protecting whatever belongs to the people. Today’s operation is the first of many to come as we seek to recover all public property from unscrupulous individuals,” added Dr Mutai.



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