Governor Oparanya on extensive campaign in Butere sub-County

Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya led Azimio politicians in an extensive campaign yesterday in his Butere sub-county backyard to consolidate votes in the area, six days to the general elections.

Oparanya, accompanied by ODM gubernatorial candidate Fernandes Barasa, his running mate Ayub Savula among other leaders campaigned in five wards in the constituency as he urged residents to vote for Azimio candidates in all positions.

“Today I have camped here in Butere because I’ll not get time to come back here and ask for your votes. Please vote for Azimio candidates led by our presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga,” Oparanya told a rally at Mukoye area in Marama South ward.

He addressed similar rallies at Marenyo in Shianda/Marenyo, Butunyi in Marama North, Eshitari Chief’s office in Marama West and concluded at Shitsitswi primary in Marama Central wards.

He urged voters to re-elect area MP Tindi Mwale who accompanied him and all the MCAs who were defending their seats.

Speaking in Eshitari area, Oparanya told Kenya Kwanza leaders to stop blaming him for being denied entry into Bukhungu stadium for their rally.

“Kenya Kwanza leaders were not allowed to use Bukhungu stadium because they did not pay the required fee. They wanted to use it free of charge and the law does not allow that because the facility is one of our sources of revenue. They should stop blaming me,” he explained.

Other leaders who accompanied Oparanya included, Trade CECM Alfred Matianyi, Senatorial candidate Brian Lishenga, Kakamega ODM chairman Mophat Mandela and all the five MCAs among others.



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