Hiv free children graduate in Homa Bay county

Some 110 Children born of HIV positive mothers in Rachuonyo Sub County have been declared HIV free after successfully undergoing HIV prevention program since birth.

The children aged between one and a half to 5 years were declared healthy at a ‘graduation’ ceremony presided over by Homa Bay County Health Executive Committee member (CECM) Roseline Omollo at Agoro grounds near Rachuonyo south sub county hospital during celebration to mark this year’s World Aids Day.

The health CECM lauded the strides made by the government in the fight against HIV since the 1980s when the first case was detected. “It’s not a day to feel sad, it’s a day to celebrate the gains that we have made. HIV/ Aids is not a story now because today each one of us is either infected or affected,” she said.

“We have come a long way from the days we were trying to find out what kind of medication one required to manage HIV/Aids. We used to mix 7 to 11 drugs in just one day to manage the infection, not even to bringing the viral loads down. We now live at a time when you can take one tablet and you are ok until the next day,” she said.

The health CEC encouraged HIV /Aids victims to live positively adding her greatest joy was to witness the 110 children declared virus free. “It’s a joy to bring life, but so much joy to bring a life that is HIV free from those living with Aids,” she said.

The event was also graced by Rachuonyo Deputy County Commissioner David Kiprop and Homa Bay County Director of Health Gordon Okomo among other government officials.



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