IEBC clears Mwala MP to defend his seat on a UDA ticket

Mwala MP Vincent Musyoka alias Kawaya (UDA) has been cleared by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to defend his seat in the forthcoming August Election.

Speaking to the press yesterday afternoon shortly after he was cleared at the Makutano AIC primary grounds, the MP described the process as transparent and fair.

“I am happy I have been cleared, the process was fairly fast and straight forward, “he said. The MP called on IEBC to ensure a fair level ground for all aspirants.

“We would want to run a fair campaign and my plea to the electoral commission is to treat all candidates equally without any favour,” added Kawaya.

The MP expressed his confidence that he will trounce his opponents despite flying a UDA ticket in a Wiper party zone.

“I’m confident that I will win the seat as I did in 2013 and 2017. The people of Mwala are not interested in which party people are vying on but their manifesto,” added Kawaya.

He said his track record as Mwala MP for the last ten years speaks volumes and noted weak leaders hiding behind popular and strong parties will not be elected.

“That is not going to happen in Mwala, even as UDA we have fielded strong candidates because we don’t want weak candidates hiding behind a strong party,” added Kawaya.

The MP appealed to fellow aspirants to conduct peaceful elections free from hate and violence.

“We should embrace peace and desist from violence, August will come and go but the country will remain,” said the UDA aspirant.

Also cleared yesterday was Grace Kioko who will be seeking the seat on an ODM ticket. She reiterated Kawaya’s sentiments on peaceful campaigns. The Wiper candidate Kilei Mutinda was cleared on Sunday.



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