Kakamega gubernatorial aspirant seeks support from residents

Kakamega County gubernatorial aspirant, Fernandes Baraza, yesterday, took his campaign trail to Musanda Ward in Mumias Sub-county, in a bid to woo voters and become the second governor after Wycliffe Oparanya.

Baraza said he had a vision for the great County and expertise to tailor development projects which will improve the livelihood of the residents.

“There is urgent need for good roads and vibrant agricultural sector that is complimented by functioning agro-industries,” he said.

The aspirant said once elected, he will strive to provide quality and affordable health care services and fix problems surrounding maternal healthcare by providing opportunities for women to prosper through the upcoming ‘Baraza Inua Mama’.

“We will have suitable policies that will empower the youth, women and persons living with disability in the region,” he said.

Baraza also said they will make extra-ordinary efforts to increase opportunities for farmers through value addition and setting up a milk processing plant to harness the high milk and maize production in the County.

He said Mumias sugar Company as the backbone of Kakamega economy will be revived through various connection he created in the corporate world and invite investors to partner with county government.

Baraza exuded confidence that he will win the race and increase ward funds to cater for the grassroot projects for the well-being of the residents.

“We are enjoying the fruits of devolution because of Raila Odinga and should be voted as the President to defend and ensure success of the devolved system,” he said.

He said as ODM fraternity they have a strategy to garner more votes and elective seats from the County and beyond.

He assured Kakamega residents that if elected as the second governor, top on his agenda would be to complete projects that had been initiated by Oparanya.

“Oparanya has laid a solid development foundation that I will ride on to take the County to greater heights if you elect me,” he said.



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