Kiambu County Government releases Sh. 90 million bursary fund

Kiambu County Governor James Nyoro has disbursed Sh90 million towards bursary fund.

Speaking at his offices during the issuing of the bursaries, the governor said that the needy students would now be able to transition from primary to secondary school without any trouble

“We are committed as a County government to process all needy students and support the government in ensuring we achieve the 100 percent transition to secondary school and that is why we will continue giving out this money to students to complete their education,” he said .

He added that 7000 scholarships had been given to students in day schools benefiting from about Sh16 million with each student benefiting with up to Sh10, 000 shillings.

Governor Nyoro noted that his government would ensure that they develop the Kiambu Education Fund so that they could be able to give out even more money, reach many more students in the County and increase the amount that the students got.

The CECM Education Gender, Culture and Social Service Mary Kamau said that this is the second time the County government is giving out bursary funds to students.

“We are happy to be giving out bursaries for a second time this year. The first quarter we were also able to give out Sh90 million,” she said.

Kamau added that 23,885 students would benefit from the bursary fund with all coming from both Secondary schools and Vocational training colleges.

“We would like to assure our students that the County has your support and we encourage all the students to work hard and give your best,” she added.

Victor Njenga, a student at Mang’u High School and a beneficiary on a full scholarship from the County Government said that he would be able to study with ease because of the funds he has received.

“I want to thank Governor James Nyoro for this opportunity to go school and make this journey worthwhile and I would like to see even more students get the support that I received,” he said.

Mary Wambui, a parent to one of the beneficiaries said that her child who is living with a disability has been able to attend school thanks to the bursary fund.



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