Kisumu Participates in Amani Run Campaign to Promote Peaceful Elections

Kisumu Central Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Hussein Alason has urged area residents to preach peace ahead of the August 9 general elections.

Alason was speaking when he flagged off the Amani Torch Run campaign Kisumu edition on Wednesday. The peace run is being conducted across the country is geared towards promoting peace and cohesion during the electioneering period.

Peace ambassadors, state and non-state actors will use the platform to market Kisumu, which has been earmarked as one of the hotspot counties by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission, (NCIC) as a peaceful county ahead of the general election on August.

“We are for peaceful elections and I urge the youths, women and everyone to say no to violence during this season of campaigns,” pleaded the DCC.

He appealed to political actors in the Lakeside County to conduct their activities in an orderly manner, shunning toxic campaigns which could promote hatred, division, intolerance, and incitement among the locals.

The peace campaign convoy kicked off the walk at the New Nyanza Regional Headquarters grounds moving towards the Kondele roundabout while spreading peace messages to the locals.

The peace caravan was also attended by Kisumu East DCC Kibet Boen, Chiefs and Assistant chiefs as well as the members of the Kisumu Central Sub County Multi-Sectoral Peace Committee.



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