Leaders’ team work is key for development: DCC Lenaremo

Lugari Sub-County outgoing Deputy County Commissioner William Lenaremo has called on all leaders from the Sub-Cunty to work as a team for development and provision of essential services.

Lenaremo said all leaders, government civil servants or political should find a way of working together so that the people of Lugari enjoy services which they are entitled to by the Constitution of Kenya.

The DDC said the leaders in the Sub-County should endeavour to work together without considering whether one is a politician, works with the County Government or National Government.

He said failure of leaders to work together as a team has denied the people of Lugari development and provision of certain essential services.

Lenaremo called on the politicians who are seeking to be elected in different political offices that once elected they should remember that working with government civil servants will make their work easier.

“Development will only be realised when leaders work together on the best approaches to help the locals,” Lenaremo said.

The DCC regretted that most residents were ignorant about services provided by government offices because they were not visiting those offices while asking what type of services are provided by the government.

“When I come to Lumakanda in 2018 I was shocked to learn that residents were shunning government offices, I kept on asking why it was happening so yet it was their right to interact with public offices,” Lenaremo said.

He said government offices were open to everybody and residents should visit them regularly so that they understand the government plan in terms of development and provision of other services.

Lenaremo asked the leaders and locals to work closely with incoming DCC and other leaders so that they continue looking for ways of developing the Sub-County and seeking other essential services which are lacking.

He asked leaders should work together and continue asking for services like Land Registry Sub-County Office to solve challenges of land deeply seated in the Sub-County.

“Others here have taken Land Surveyors as Land Registrars with hope that they will be helped get Title deeds,” Lenaremo wondered.

Lenaremo said the Sub-County needed the court to solve challenge of travelling to Kakamega town while seeking court services.

The incoming Sub-County DCC Mr. Moses Gachuri Gicharu will report to the station next week to take from Lenaremo who has been transferred to the Presdient’s Office, Nairobi.



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