Man accused of burning 3 boys over cakes arraigned in court

A middle aged man accused of burning three boys for allegedly stealing cakes valued at around Sh80 from his bakery was on Tuesday arraigned before a Kabarnet court charged with assault.

Joseph Cherop Muduma alias Josee who committed the offence at Kaptimbor estate within Kabarnet town with another accomplice Dennis Kipkoros Chelimo faced three counts.

The charge sheet stated that on May 25, this month, at around 11pm at Kaptimbor area in Baringo Central sub county, Baringo County, the two jointly with others not before court unlawfully and intentionally did grievous harm to Vincent Otieno.

The second count stated that on the same date, place and time, the two with others not before court intentionally and unlawfully assaulted Shadrack Koech occasioning him serious bodily harm.

The third count stated that on the same date and place at about 1:00am, jointly with another not before court, they unlawfully assaulted Denis Kemboi thereby occasioning him actual bodily harm contrary to section 251 of the penal code.

The accused denied committing the offence when they appeared before Resident Magistrate Neroline Idagwa.

Prosecution counsel Josek Abwajo in his submission prayed to court for two days to allow him file an application for denial of bond terms.

“Your honour, I pray for two days to file an application on bond terms before the suspects are released,” he said.

Edwin Kipkulei, representing the accused, opposed the application arguing that the prosecution had ample time and knew the facts.

“The reason for the application for bond is an afterthought, there is also no affidavit to support the application to oppose the bond,” he stated.

The magistrate ruled that an application be filled on the defense for further directions urgently since the case was of public interest.

Ms. Idagwa ordered the accused to be remanded at Kabarnet GK Prison until June 2 when their case would be mentioned.



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