A theft Suspect Escapes on way to cell

A suspect is on the run after escaping from police custody in Homa Bay Police Station early Sunday morning as he was about to be taken to the cell by police officers.

The suspect allegedly took off as the car he and his accomplice were being ferried on from Siaya County enroute to Ndhiwa came to a stop at the station for overnight safe custody.

It is reported that the two suspects who were arrested for the offence of stealing in Nairobi, were to be taken to Ndhiwa Sub County for further investigations by DCI officers from Makadara but the journey stopped in the said police station for the night before they were to proceed to their destination the following day.

Homa Bay Sub-County Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) officer Monica Berege said the 29-year-old suspect disappeared into the darkness as the car came to a halt at the parking lot and efforts to trace his whereabouts were unsuccessful.

“The suspect who was accused of stealing in Nairobi took off from the police car when he was about to be taken to the cell by the officers who had arrested him. When he was running away, his accomplice stayed behind with the officers who were guarding them,” she said.

Berege said the officers who were investigating the case which had been reported at the DCI in Makadara, arrived at the station at 3 am and because they were not familiar with the station, had parked at a dark place to let the suspects out.

“Suspects are usually taken to a different parking space which is close to the cells but in this case, the officers were new to the place and so parked the vehicle at the public parking place where the suspect, under the cover of the darkness, escaped. However, we have circulated his details around and our officers are looking for him,” she said.

The recovery mission had started all the way from Nairobi before the suspect escaped in Homa Bay.



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