Man arraigned in court for assault and attempted robbery

A man has been sentenced to serve two years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty to assault and attempted robbery charges.

Steven Saruni who appeared before Resident Magistrate Daniel Ngayo attacked Amos Ng’etich on his way home from a traditional ceremony at his friend’s home in Ololung’a area, Narok South Sub County on 14th June at around 9pm.

According to the police report, the complainant was attacked while on his way home by the accused and another man before they escaped on a motorbike.

After a few meters, the duo crashed and fell off the motorcycle but ran away leaving the motorcycle there. The complainant then called his friend who came to pick him and took him to a health facility for treatment.

The following day, the complainant reported the incident to the village elder who advised him to go and report it to the police station.

The complainant reported the incident and a few days later the accused was arrested and identified by the complainant as his attacker.

In his mitigation, the accused pleaded with the court to be lenient with him and asked for forgiveness saying he has children who depended on him and that he is the one who provides for his children and pays for the school fees.

The Resident Magistrate sentenced him to two years’ imprisonment for the first county and one-year imprisonment on the second count. The sentence will run concurrently.



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