Man in court for illegally possessing a rhino tusk

A man has been arraigned in a Narok law court for illegal possession of a wildlife trophy without a valid permit from the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)

Marima Ole Pesi who appeared before Senior Resident Magistrate Adelaide Sisenda was charged for illegal possession of a rhino tusk weighing 2kg.

According to a KWS officer Richard Owuor, the undercover team received a tip-off from a well-wisher that the said suspect was in possession of the tusk and that he was offering the same for sale.

On June 9, 2021, the covert team arrived at the Ewaso Ng’iro office and later in the evening went to the Ewaso Ng’iro – Naroosura road junction to pose as buyers.

At midnight, two cars arrived at the junction from Naroosura and parked near the unmarked car. After confirming that the group had the rhino tusk the officer signaled Officer Daniel Kibet and Richard Ochieng.

The accused tried to escape when he sensed danger but the officers shot at and delated the tyres of car he was traveling crippling his movement. However, three more people in a second vehicle managed to escape arrest.

Upon interrogation, the accused was in possession of a tusk wrapped with a purple carrier bag and placed in a white sack.

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and hearing of the case hearing was fixed for September 6, 2022.



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