Man killed over Sh. 3,000 alcohol debt in Embu

A family in Mikimbi Village in Manyatta Constituency, Embu, is in agony over the death of their kin who was clobbered to death at a local pub after failing to pay Sh. 3, 000 for the alcohol he had taken with his friend.

The victim, Tom Musyoki, 25 and his friend Munene Mbogo were allegedly stripped naked and beaten with all manner of crude weapons at Club Rocash after failing to pay the alcohol debt they had incurred on Monday night.

Musyoki who recently graduated from Mount Kenya University with a Bachelor of Education Degree died while receiving treatment at Kerugoya General Hospital where he was rushed by family members and friends who came to their rescue, while Munene is in critical condition in the same hospital.

Speaking amid sobs, his mother, Jacinta Matheka, said she received a call from her husband at around 11 pm informing her that her son was being beaten for declining to settle his alcohol debt and proceeded there in company of neighbors.

She said the attackers were demanding payment as they continued beating the duo in a backroom and no amount of pleading swayed them from their task.

“They threw me out of the room and continued beating the two despite having settled the debt,” Ms. Matheka said.

It took the intervention of villagers to rescue the two who were already unconscious with the family now crying for justice over the uncalled-for loss of life.

“Why did the attackers take law in their hands instead of handing the two defaulters over to the police and let the law take its course,” quizzed eye witness Patrick Njeru.

The villagers said this was the third incident in the recent past where young men have been subjected to mob justice over ‘petty issues’ with the police doing nothing to nip the culture in the bud.

“This incident took place just less than 100 meters from Kangaru Police Post,” lamented Grace Ngaraci who said her son also died in a similar manner several months ago.

The County Government also came under heavy criticism over the failed health system as they were forced to travel all the way to the neighboring Kirinyaga County in search of medical attention.

“May be the young man could have survived if he received immediate attention,” said Ms. Ngaraci.

The body of Musyoki was moved to Gakwegori Funeral Home in Embu.



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