Mandera politicians warned of hate speech

Mandera politicians have been warned of hate speech during this electioneering period.

Mandera County Commissioner (CC), Onesmus Kyatha, warned politicians spreading hate speech that they will face full force of the law.

Mr. Kyatha said the Department of Criminal Investigations (DCI) is alert on campaign trails and would prosecute politicians spreading hate speech, in order to win elective seats.

The CC said the government will prosecute anybody irrespective of political affiliation.

He also sent a strong message on students attending political rallies. The CC said students should be in class and not campaign trails. He said they will equally face the law for not attending school.

Mandera Governor, Ali Roba, also called on residents not to be used by politicians to wreak havoc. The Governor called on religious leaders to help the government in maintaining peace.

Roba said residents will live together after elections. He said it is time residents maintained high discipline during the campaigns. Roba also warned children against attending political rallies.

The Media Council last week held a series of training to journalist on reporting of elections.

Journalists were warned on partisan coverage of elections in order to maintain peace and tranquility in the country.



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