Migori residents peaceful as Supreme Court up-holds president-elect William Ruto’s win.

Residents of Migori County remained peaceful today even as the Supreme Court of Kenya upheld President-elect Dr. William Ruto’s win in the 2022 presidential election.

Contrary to earlier expectations that chaos would erupt upon affirmation of Ruto’s win by the Court, no demonstrations were witnessed in Migori, Awendo and Rongo towns that in the past have witnessed incidents of looting and destruction of property, deaths and injuries arising from ugly riots.

And in a rare occurrence, residents, mostly the youth who are always violent against any political development against Raila Odinga who was the lead petitioner against Dr. Ruto’s win, accepted the Court pronouncement and assured of maintaining peace at all the time.

Confirmed reports from the entire county revealed that save for the Kuria region where members of the Kuria Community peacefully celebrated Ruto’s win in Kehancha and Isebania towns, the rest of the county remained quiet, save for isolated groups of residents who discussed the court verdict in low tones.

Police led by County Police Commander Mr. Mark Wanjala said a high security surveillance had been put in place since last week to deal with any eventuality regarding violent protests in local villages, markets and towns by the residents but added nothing bad happened after the Court pronouncement.

Wanjala urged the residents to maintain peace as business points in Migori, Awendo and Rongo towns remained closed for the better part of the day.

Early in the morning, shop owners closed their premises in anticipation of ugly riots if the petitions against Ruto’s win by Raila and others were dismissed.



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