MP lauds planned Raila’s tour in Murang’a

Kigumo lawmaker, Wangari Mwaniki has welcomed Azimio-One Kenya Alliance presidential candidate Raila Odinga’s tour of Murang’a slated for Friday.

Mwiniki said the tour will give the Azimio team a platform to sell their manifesto to residents of the county where Deputy president William Ruto has commanded a sizeable following.

Speaking when she launched her manifesto at the Turuturu area in her constituency, the legislator observed that as supporters of Azimio-One Kenya Alliance they will ensure the Raila tour is successful, urging locals to welcome the team.

“We are looking forward to hosting our presidential candidate Raila Odinga and his team in Murang’a on Friday. The campaign will cover Gatanga, Kigumo and Kandara sub counties,” said Mwaniki.

She exuded confidence that Azimio –One Kenya Alliance will form the next government saying Raila and his running mate Martha Karua are known to be reformists and people of integrity.

“Transition in governance needs to have leaders who will ensure continuity and complete pending projects and from my view the team which can do that is that of Raila Odinga and Martha Karua,” added Mwaniki.

The MP told Kenyans to be assured that if Azimio-One Kenya Alliance takes up leadership after August 9, the much needed economic revival will be attained.

“From our manifesto, whatever is listed be rest assured will be attained. The proposals stated are realistic and with the leadership of Odinga and his running mate, be assured whatever stated in the manifesto will be implemented,” she said.

Mwaniki is among four current legislators from Murang’a County who are supporting Azimio-One Kenya Alliance.

Others include Eng Joseph Nduati (Gatanga), Peter Kimari (Mathioya) and Muturi Kigano (Kangema).

Mwaniki, Kimari and Nduati are defending their seats on Jubilee Party tickets. Muturi was edged out by the party during nominations.

The MP further praised picking of Karua as Raila’s running mate saying women will feel well represented if the Alliance ascends into power.

Meanwhile, Mwaniki underscored her development record in her five years as Kigumo Member of Parliament.

She listed several roads in the constituency which were tarmacked, saying the improved infrastructure will play a key role in boosting agriculture and business activities in interior parts of Kigumo.

“I humbly request the people of Kigumo to give me another term to serve them. The area under my leadership has seen several roads being tarmacked,” she said.

Mwaniki hoped the next government will continue to facilitate completion of Kangari modern market and upgrading of Kigumo hospital.

“We look forward to the completion of the two major projects in our area. Kigumo hospital once completed will be a big relief to local residents,” she added.



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