Minor in court for defilement

A 12 year old boy was today arraigned at Loitoktok law court for defiling a 10 year old girl.

The boy who appeared before Resident Magistrate Samuel Ndungu is said to have defiled the minor on October 14, 2021 at Impiron areas in Loitoktok Sub County.

According to the minor, on the material day she had asked for permission from the teacher on duty to escort her two young brothers home after their classes.

Along the way they met the boy who is a school dropout and well known by the complainant for he was a schoolmate. The girl told the court how the accused got hold of her and threatened her brothers before they ran away.

The boy dragged the girl into nearby bush and defiled her before leaving. After the ordeal the girl decided to go back to school where she reported the matter to Teacher Dorcas Mwalali.

While testifying Mwalali narrated how on the material day at around 3.00pm she saw the minor entering the gate and supposing she was expected to be in class she approached her and she explained why she was out and also narrated the ordeal to her.

The teacher reported the matter to the head teacher and the girl was escorted to Loitoktok police station before taking her to Loitoktok Sub County hospital for medical examination

Later the accused was arrested and escorted to Loitoktok police station and charged with the offence before denying in court.

The boy who is represented by Lawyer Edda Kariuki will defend himself on Wednesday, July 6, 2022.



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