Murang’a County attains 96 percent transition to secondary schools

Murang’a County had attained 96 percent transition for learners from Primary to secondary schools by June 10 this year.

The County Director of Education Ms Ann Kiilu said by the date, only 176 pupils were yet to transit to secondary schools in the county.

She noted that 13, 162 boys compared to 12, 903 girls have transited to secondary schools saying the search for those yet to join high schools has started.

“In the county out of candidates who sat for KCPE, 13,802 girls were selected to join secondary schools as compared to 13,702 boys. It’s unfortunate that more girls are yet to transit to secondary and the ministry is looking into the matter to ensure it attains 100 percent transition,” Kiilu told KNA in her office on Tuesday.

She stated that officers from the Ministry of Education in partnership with chiefs and their assistants have started to look for the whereabouts of those yet to join secondary schools.

Kiilu asked parents of students who are yet to join secondary schools to partner with the government saying the government is committed to ensure a 100 percent transition not only in Murang’a but countrywide.

“Officers from the Ministry of Education assisted by national government administrators are liaising with primary schools’ heads to trace those yet to join high school,” she added.

The director further said out of those who sat KCPE, 260 students have opted to join vocational training centres and another 78 repeated class eight.

“It’s also unfortunate that in the county, five students who were waiting to join secondary schools died,” Kiilu further stated.

She appealed to relevant stakeholders to work together and ensure all learners expected to join secondary schools are found and taken to school.



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