Murang’a MCAs raise bar for Speaker

A section of the newly elected Members of County Assembly (MCA) from 35 wards in Murang’a County say that they want a speaker who will look after the interests of the people of Murang’a

The MCAs say candidates who are showing interest for the seat of speaker, should give hope to Murang’a people and have the interest of the county at heart.

Expressing their views to KNA, they argue that for the last 10 years business in the county assembly has had many challenges and that they are now in the process of lobbying for the one who will be their speaker for the next five years

Kibe Wa Carì, MCA elect for Ithirù ward and who is eying the seat of the majority leader said that they will be speaking to people who have shown interest in vying for the seat to ensure that they elect the right person who will deliver once they are elected

“We promise to the Murang’a people that the current assembly will deliver all the promises that the assembly will have set to achieve,” he said.

His sentiments were echoed by Moses Thuku Gathoni, MCA elect for Kiru ward who said they want a speaker who will be a mediator between the assembly and the governor since their role is to oversee county matters.

“We want a speaker who will be a mediator between us and the governor as we offer oversight,” said Gathoni.

On his part, Stephen Muigai Kimani MCA elect Kakuzi /Mitumbiri ward said that they want a speaker who will look at the interests of MCAs besides those of the Wanjiku of Murang’a.

“The newly elected speaker should be able to work closely with the members of the county assembly to enable them deliver on their promises” he said.

Kimani added that they look forward to the new assembly being productive and improve the lives of Wanjiku through dialogue

The speaker is the head of the legislative arm of the County Government and presides over its sittings. The election of the speaker despite being an independent decision of ward representatives is still exposed to external influence

Nduati Kariuki’s ten years tenure at the county assembly of Murang’a will expire once the assembly gets a new speaker.

Lobbying for other key positions like Leader of Majority, Deputy Speaker, Leader of Minority and the Whips are also ongoing.

The newly elected members of the Murang’a county assembly are expected to take the oath of office as soon as the governor convenes the third assembly.

The newly elected members and the re-elected ones will take oath of office including an oath to protect the constitution and declare a zeal to serve the electorate



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