Muslim community in Murang’a decry marginalization

Members of the Muslim community who live in Murang’a are decrying marginalization during employment of county government workers.

Led by their coordinator in charge of Mount Kenya region Alhaji Shaban, the Muslim faithful who converted from Christianity claimed that they were also not recognized especially in most of county administrations within the region.

They argued that due to marginalization, they lived in abject poverty since they have no source of livelihoods.

“We are not recognized. The Muslim members who are recognized are those from Coastal and North Eastern region and those of us who live in interior parts of the country are rarely valued,” observed Shaban.

They demanded the next county administration to recognize and employ them saying they were ready to work and improve their living standards.

“We don’t want to continue relying on people who visit us and give us food. We need employment which will alleviate us from poverty,” added the coordinator.

The Muslim were speaking when a Murang’a gubernatorial aspirant Irungu Nyakera visited and donated food at Maragua mosque.

Shaban observed that the only government administration which recognized them was that of the first president Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

“Both levels of the governments should recognize Muslims who live in other parts of the country other than coastal and northern eastern regions.

“Like in Murang’a county government, the Muslim employed are from north eastern region and us we are ignored,” he asserted.

On his part, Jumal Alnadhan observed that the Muslim who converted from Christian are most of times ignored.

“For some of us, we converted from Christianity to Islam but unfortunately it’s hard for us to secure jobs. We want the county administration to consider us and give us jobs,” he added.

Nyakera promised them that if he clinches the seat of governor on August 9, he will give all communities living in Murang’a priority.

He noted that members of the Muslim community lived in poverty since very few of them have jobs saying even in areas of conducting business, they are marginalized.

“Our Muslim brothers in Murang’a have been suffering. Very few of them have jobs and we want to change the trend and ensure their rights are taken care of in the next administration,” added Nyakera.



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