NCIC to sensitize youths in Bomet, Nyamira and Narok County borders

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) will conduct a one-week peace caravan between the borders of Nyamira, Bomet and Narok counties to sensitize residents on the importance of peace during the election period.

Speaking in Bomet, NCIC commissioner Dorcas Kedogo said that the commission has arranged a one-week caravan around Bomet County and the border joints where the county borders Narok and Nyamira counties.

Commissioner Kedogo affirmed that NCIC has arranged two days of workshops in Bomet County where youths from Bomet and Nyamira would be trained on peaceful co-existence.

“We are concerned over some politicians misusing political rallies and campaign platforms to stir animosity and even convey wrong messages to our youths, women and even other people in the society. That is the reason why we have decided to come up with these programmes to sensitize our people,” explained commissioner Kedogo.

“Our youths are the most vulnerable group in the society. They are easily used and manipulated. We have arranged workshops in Bomet and Nyamira regions, and we will use these platforms to educate our youths on the importance of harmony in the society,” she said.

The caravan is expected to tour the Mulot border point with the Narok border, Mogosiek in Konoini sub-county where residents have been having issues with the multinationals owning tea estates, and the border with Nyamira County.

This comes after Bomet was marked as a likely hotspot county by NCIC in their recent marking with the potentiality of election violence.

Bomet Central Deputy County Commissioner Victor Kisachi maintained that the county remains peacefull and the county security team is on watch.

Kisachi advised residents to perform their civic duty of participating in voting and electing leaders of their own choice. He however warned that those who would participate in any activity that may breach peace would be dealt with.

“It’s a civic duty for all citizens to participate in the election to vote in their leaders, but it’s not a civic duty to chip in criminal issues that can easily breach peace during and after the election,” warned DCC.



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