ODM grassroots officials call for revocation of nomination list forwarded to IEBC

ODM party grassroots officials in Bondo have called for the revocation of the party nomination list to Siaya County Assembly submitted to Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (I.E.B.C) saying the list was done without consulting party delegates and officials in the region.

The grassroots officials drawn from youth and women leagues as well as ward chairpersons said that they were not only disappointed but also not in support of the names of individuals submitted to IEBC for nomination to Siaya county assembly.

Led by Ben Nyamulo, the officials said that list which was done without consultation of party officials is flooded with names of relatives and friends of unnamed party leaders in the region who use party organs during campaigns but award their cronies with nomination slots instead of hard working party members.

The officials added that the list forwarded to IEBC also have names of individuals who had served as elected members of the county assembly and those who were previously nominated to the same county assembly.

In a petition addressed to ODM National Elections Board Chair Catherine Muma, the aggrieved officials said that the nomination list fiasco is painting the party image negatively and is likely to affect ODM campaigns in the region if not resolved.

“If the list is not revoked and new appointments done, it will affect the six-piece voting pattern and some members may end up supporting independent/other party candidates. Therefore, your humble petitioners pray that you will intervene by recalling the nomination list and direct party leaders to do fresh list so as not to interfere with grassroots campaigns” the petition statement read in part.

Nyamulo said that despite the grassroots officials applying for the nomination slots as required by nominations guidelines none of the party members were shortlisted for nominations in the county assembly.

“Since the advent of county assemblies in 2013, no party official or delegate has been nominated to the county assembly despite serving the party diligently. We appeal to ODM leaders to award nomination slots to those who have been working for the party and have qualifications instead of giving them out to people outside party structures” he said.

Party official David Ochieng Mbabu said they have been taken for a ride for a long time and asked party leader Raila Odinga to intervene by cracking the whip on leaders within ODM who are making the party unpopular in region.

He accused Siaya senator James Orengo who is also a gubernatorial aspirant for allegedly sponsoring the inclusion of the names of Lorna Adida in the nomination list who has been North Sakwa MCA for two terms, former nominated MCA Winnie Otieno and Christine Oyuu who has served as a member of County Executive Committee under the outgoing regime led by governor Cornel Rasanga.

Ochieng said the move by Orengo is denying those who have truly worked for the party opportunities at the expense of those who already hold plum jobs.

West Sakwa ward chairman Richard Odolo asked ODM aspirants to work closely with party officials to strengthen campaigns at grassroots level adding that party officials should be considered for jobs within the county as a reward for their sacrifice to keep the party strong and vibrant.



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