Offer prisoners counselling before releasing them, government advised

Kabazi MCA, Dr. Peter Mbae has called for professional counselling for prisoners before they are released to the society to avert occurrences of more serious crimes.

Dr Mbae’s sentiments come after an ex-prisoner hacked his mother to death over land squabbles in Njoga village in Kirinyaga County. He is said to have killed Grace Muthoni in the bathroom and went into hiding.

The murderer was among the over 3000 petty offenders pardoned by President Uhuru Kenyatta during Madaraka day celebrations two weeks ago.

Mbae observed that the ex-convicts go through meaningful reforms while in prison but there is need for them to undergo counselling sessions to help them rebuild their lives in a more positive manner irrespective of the challenges they experience.

“Once out of prison, the society shuns them and the former inmates tend to feel unwanted and subsequently are filled with vengeance that pushes them into committing other crimes,” he expounded.

Mbae further urged the society to also give the Ex-inmates proper support system by engaging them in activities that will earn them values while showering them with love to enable them exploit their potential maximally.

Further, he urged the society to monitor them and in case they exhibit unwarranted behaviour then the matter should be reported on time so that the necessary action can be taken before things get out of hand.



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