Ojanga faults joint campaigns between Governor and Senator Aspirants

KANU party first Chairperson Tom Ojanga has criticized joint campaigns between the current Homa Bay County senator Moses Kajwang and the Woman Representative Gladys Wanga.

Ojanga who is among the contenders for the county senatorial seat explained that a joint front in the duo’s campaigns might be a conflict of interest in the oversight role of the senator if the two were to win the respective seats come August.

“A joint campaign between Kajwang and Wanga portends a county government that lacks oversight if the two win in the coming elections as the county governor and senator,” stated Ojanga.

He further stated that since devolution, Homa Bay has seen limited development in comparison to other counties majorly due to poor oversight by the senator.

The Vice Chairman reiterated the need for a complete change in the county government adding that if elected his reign would see to a corrupt-free county.

Ojanga also implored the area youths who are dependent on hand-outs from politicians to find alternative sustainable sources of income adding that the hand-outs were contributing to chaos witnessed in various parts of the county in the past few weeks.

“Our youths should find alternative income sources instead of following political aspirants as the small cash gotten from these places are incapable of feeding them but instead will increase the poverty level among our youths,” explained Ojanga.

He further called on the various candidates in the county to align themselves with the code of conduct issued to them by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for a peaceful campaign period.

Currently, the IEBC has cleared three candidates to run for the senatorial seat in Homa Bay County.



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