Open burning of liter poses risk to the environment and health, says Administrator 

Akirang’ondu ward administrator Mr. James Michubu has cautioned the residents against burning liter in open places especially along the feeder roads.

He was speaking to the residents of Akirang’ondu at KK market, Maua where he said that the residue from burning materials like broken bottles contaminated the soil and posed a great risk to children who may accidentally step on the broken bottles.

Michubu added that the smoke emitted during burning of garbage and plastic materials polluted the air hence posing threat of contracting respiratory infections.

“Burning these materials openly is very harmful to the environment and health because these materials release toxic chemicals that contaminate the air we breathe,” Michubu said.

He said that gases released by burning travel long distances and produce bad odours that are bothersome to people.

Michubu noted that the unburnt portions of these plastic material liter the ground and may be consumed by animals that may end up getting sick.

“Some large pieces of remaining unburnt materials can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes,” he added.

Michubu noted that people exposed to smoke could experience eye and nose irritation, difficulty in breathing, coughing and headaches.

He further cautioned people against leaving the garbage and plastic liter to burn in their absence since the fire from burning plastic materials may spread and damage properties within the area.

The administrator called upon the residents to burn their garbage in appropriate compost pit or dumping sites rather than alongside or at the middle of these feeder roads which may block the motorist from using the roads.



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