Police raid embu liquor dens

Security offices in Embu on Saturday raided a second-generation manufacturing den in Ugweri Trading Centre in Embu East Sub- County and seized a consignment of assorted brands.

The County Security team led by County Commissioner Eddyson Nyale also arrested two suspects who are expected to assist the police nab the proprietor.

The counterfeits according to the County Commissioner were packaged in trusted common alcohol brands and passed off as authentic products to unsuspecting consumers.

“What is being offered here is nothing but cheaply made alcoholic concoction that is dangerous to human health,” the CC said.

He said the crackdown on illicit and counterfeit liquor will go on unabated until the county is rid of the menace that has left many people with lifelong health complications and others dead.

“We want to tell those still in this illicit trade that it will not be business as usual going forward,” Nyale warned even as cautioned alcohol lovers to be wary of the products they are consuming.

County Police Commander Daniel Rukunga thanked the members of the public for the intelligence information that assisted them to make the breakthrough in the war against illicit liquor.

Other items netted during the raid besides liquor include boxes of bottles caps, locally made bottle cap sealing machine, counterfeit duty stamps and jerricans filled with liquid suspected to be methanol.

The raid comes a day after five men reportedly died after consuming illicit brew in Karuku Village in Mwea Sub-location of Mbeere South sub-county.

However, the CC dismissed the allegations, saying it was premature to assume they died after consuming illicit brew yet investigations had not been concluded with the regard to the cause of death.

He said there was a likelihood that they died after consuming poisoned meat.

“We want to urge people not to speculate and wait for the final report from our investigators,” the CC said.

Earlier this week, security agencies seized another haul of assorted illegal alcoholic drinks at a residential home in Gatondo village of Itabua Sub-location in Embu East Sub-county and arrested three suspects.



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