Preparations underway for swearing in Kisumu Governor

Arrangements for assumption of office for Kisumu governor Prof Anyang Nyong’o are in top gear as the committee overseeing the exercise puts final touches on the venue.

Jomo Kenyatta International Stadium has been identified as the venue for the ceremony which will take place on Thursday August 25, 2022.

B According to Kisumu County Chief Officer in charge of communication John Oywa, the assumption of office committee was on course to ensure that the swearing in ceremony runs smoothly.

“There is no change of guard in Kisumu because Governor Nyong’o was re-elected but we have to follow what the law says on assumption of office for the governor,” he said.

The committee, he said, was set to gazette the date and venue for the ceremony in the course of the week as is required by law.

Nyong’o successfully defended the seat on an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party ticket after garnering 319,957 votes whereas his rival Jack Ranguma of Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) managed 100,600 votes.

Business Lady Awuor Meso (Independent) came a distant third with 3, 383 votes followed by Erick Otieno (Independent) with 2, 705 votes.

According to the Assumption of the Office of Governor Act, elected governors should be sworn in on the first Thursday after the tenth day following the declaration of the final results by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

The act also provides for the formation of a special transition committee to spearhead the process of handing over power in the counties. According to the act, each county has an Assumption of the Office of Governor Committee that comprises 13 members.

Members of this committee include the respective County Commissioner, a representative of the National Police Service, a National Intelligence Service representative, and the County Secretary.

So far, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has announced the results of gubernatorial elections in 45 counties with only Kakamega, and Mombasa Counties yet to know their governors-elect.

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati postponed gubernatorial elections in the two counties to a later date.



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