Public Urged to Preach Peace Ahead of August Poll

Residents of Narok, Kisii and Nyamira counties at the border market of Olmelil have been asked to exercise ethnic tolerance ahead of the August Poll.

Addressing residents drawn from the three counties at the market yesterday, Transmara West Deputy County Commissioner Hassan Noor said that to avoid a repeat of the 2007 post-election clashes, Kenyans have no option other than to maintain peace.

Noor was speaking days after unknown people burnt down Kapune Location Chief’s Office.

Adding that crime does not know tribe, Noor warned that security teams are well equipped to deal with any individuals out to cause chaos before, during and after elections.

“We have arrested some individuals in connection to the Friday arson attack. However, some are still at large and our security team is working to ensure that all those who were involved are brought to book,” he said.

“Our operations are not targeting a particular tribe as one may take it but we are interested in arresting criminals,” he said urging the public to volunteer information which may help arrest the culprits.

Meanwhile, as he warned against misuse of social media, Noor informed those out to use the platform to spread propaganda with an intention of causing chaos that security teams are well equipped to arrest individuals with such intentions.

Responding to a request by residents who had urged the government to open a police post on the market which they said will help enhance security, Noor said plans are in place to ensure that the request is fulfilled.

Present during the peace meeting were administrators and security teams drawn from the three counties.



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