Raila Urged to Unite Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Candidates in Kisii

Political candidates aligned to the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition in Kisii have appealed to their presidential flag bearer, Raila Odinga, to intervene and resolve differences witnessed among the Azimio candidates.

Recently, the county has reported cases of violence, heckling of candidates, and destruction of opponents’ campaign materials which has seen Azimio la Umoja One Kenya affiliates trade blame over these incidences.

Speaking to the press in Bobasi Constituency, Kitutu Chache South MP Richard Onyonka said that Odinga should unite the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya candidates in Kisii to ensure they deliver the Presidency and other seats with large margins.

“As for us, we are open-minded. If our presidential candidate comes around, one of the issues we would want him to deal with is how the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya team, even when all of them have got self-interest, can actually work together,” said Onyonka.

The MP who is vying for Kisii senatorial position on an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) ticket noted they do not have any outstanding issues with other Azimio la Umoja One Kenya counterparts adding they will need one another after the General Election.

Addressing the press separately at a hotel in Kisii, Jubilee senatorial candidate, Omingo Magara decried the increasing cases of violence in the county saying these incidents are hurting the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coaltion presidential candidate’s votes in Kisii.

Magara noted that residents of Kisii are known for their resilience and therefore, the votes are critical in determining who will take over the next government.

He pointed out that Odinga was aware of the stalemate in Kisii and urged him to take action immediately so that they can guarantee a 98% vote that the candidates promised him.

Magara urged the candidates to conduct their campaigns peacefully without intimidating their opponents adding that leadership is God-given.

On her part, Kisii Woman Representative, Janet Ongera noted the rising insecurity within the county saying campaign materials of political aspirants were being destroyed by unknown people.

Ongera, who is defending her seat, pointed out that such incidents would lead to voter apathy where women will not come out of their houses to vote for fear of being attacked.

She added that the violent incidents are associated with one of the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition candidates and told Odinga to intervene and ensure Kisii remains peaceful throughout the electioneering period.

“I am calling upon our presidential candidate to gather all the candidates together so that we can speak in one voice if at all he wants Kisii residents to be fully behind him during voting,” said Ongera.



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