Religious leaders call for a peaceful campaign and August 2022 election  

Religious leaders in Bungoma County have called upon residents of Mt Elgon Sub-county to maintain peace ahead of 2022 election.

In an exclusive interview with KNA at Kapsokwony African Inland Church (AIC) Bishop, Harry Bowen, said that they had been meeting several to pray for the County and the country at large.

He noted that it’s during such times that generate a lot of political heat in the country and as religious leaders, they are concerned that real issues affecting residents were being sidelined by the political sideshows.

Bowen said that in the recent past the religious leaders have noted that campaigns are taking different directions, making communities turn against each other as witnessed in 2007/2008 in different parts of the country.

The Bishop added that as religious leaders they have said no to violence and that there is life after election, stating that voters are now enlightened and understand the importance of peace.

Religious leaders observed that Bungoma County was home of various ethnic communities and called on residents to maintain peace and shun away those bent on riding to power by stoking ethnic animosity among the locals.

Bowen applauded the County in the last election they described it as a turning point having been conducted peacefully and urged residents to uphold the trend saying this was critical in fostering development within the region.

However, he pointed out that electorates have the right to make their independent decision during election from among the potential contenders.

The religious leaders further caution the youths in the country to refrain from indulging in alcohol, saying that it is important that they remain sober while participating in the process set to determine the leadership and future of the country.

The Bishop said that they are planning to meet all candidates in the Constituency a few days before election, to conduct a special prayer and mark away forward, ahead of the 2022 election and curb violence and insecurity in the county.



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