Residents protest Ugenya MP’s move to Kenya Kwanza 

The residents of Ugenya constituency took to the streets of Sega town to protest the decision by the area member of parliament, David Ochieng to join President-elect William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

Business at the township that straddles the Kisumu – Busia highway came to a standstill as the locals cried that they will not accept to be auctioned like goats.

Speaking to the media, the locals lamented that the legislator who is also the Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) party leader did not seek their opinion while making a decision to ditch the Raila Odinga led Azimio la Umoja.

A resident, Esther Atieno Onyango said they will not follow Ochieng into the new political outfit, adding that the decision marks the beginning of his journey into political oblivion.

His sentiments were supported by Zaddock Otieno and Brian Ogara who challenged the legislator to resign and seek fresh mandate from the electorate if he is confident that he made a wise political decision.

As the Ugenya residents were expressing their anger over the move that took them by surprise, Siaya leaders led by deputy governor, William Oduol and Gem MP-elect, Elisha Odhiambo dismissed the decision as inconsequential, adding that the legislator’s move was selfish.

Oduol, who was sworn into the office on Thursday together with Siaya governor, James Orengo, accused Ochieng of lying to the electorate that he was in Azimio in order to ascend to power.

“He deceived Ugenya people that he was in Azimio in order to get votes after which he has left to join his masters,” said Oduol who was speaking during a thanksgiving ceremony at his Hawinga village home in Alego – Usonga.

The deputy governor said that the president-elect gained nothing in the Ugenya MP’s defection as the public was still strongly behind Raila Odinga.

Addressing the same occasion, Gem MP-elect, Elisha Odhiambo termed as “selfish” the move by his colleague.

“Those going to Sugoi are holding skeleton parties that have no membership in Nyanza and their main agenda is money,” said Odhiambo.

Odhiambo said that the recent development that saw MDG and United Democratic Movement (UDM) officials and MPs elect join Kenya kwanza has vindicated Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leaders who had warned voters against electing those seeking office through them as they were puppets of their main competitor.

“Today you can confirm that we told you the truth. We have been vindicated” said Odhiambo.



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