Residents urged to vote wisely

As the August 9 general election nears and campaigns intensify, the chairman of Ameru Njuri Ncheke council of elders Linus Kathera has urged residents of Meru to vote wisely.

He said the decisions people make during an election plays a greater impact in their lives, nation and even for generations to come.

“People may not realize that every decision they make when voting comes along with huge repercussions either negative or positive in their life and some are left to suffer regret for five years,” Kathera said.

Speaking today at Laare in Igembe North, Kathera urged the Meru residents to ensure they elect people who will embody the vision of the people they intend to lead and involve the people in decision-making as well as inspire them to act freely and voluntarily.

He further maintained that leaders aspiring to occupy political offices should exhibit a high level of integrity, be development conscious, and demonstrate leadership qualities to serve the public.

“We should vote in humble, visionary and development-orientated leaders who will take our county to the next level in terms of economic, political and social growth,’’ he said.

Kathera further urged the residents to be cautious and avoid voting for corrupt leaders and be diligent and observant in assessing the character of each candidate aspiring to any of the political seats.

In the same breath, the chairman cautioned aspirants against spreading divisive politics but unite the residents throughout this campaign period.

He urged them to peacefully campaign and shun any utterances which may spur disharmony among the residents.

The Njuri elder further called upon the youths to avoid being misused by politicians to cause chaos during campaigns.

Kathera cautioned the youths to be on guard against being used to propagate chaos by the politicians and be in front line in exercising their democratic rights.

He further expressed his gratitude to the national government for its intervention and effort in opening of miraa market in Somalia saying this is a major economic relief to the Igembe residents who are major miraa farmers.

The Njuri ncheke chairman however urged both governments to intervene in the skyrocketing prices of foodstuffs saying basic commodities are unaffordable due to exorbitant prices.

“May the government intervene through price controlling prices as the cost of living is high,” says Kathera.



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