Residents warned against eating wild animal meat in Tana River

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Tana River County Warden Augustine Ajuoga has cautioned the residents of Tana River against eating wild animal meat saying it’s not inspected and unfit for human consumption.

Speaking to the press yesterday at his Hola office, Ajuoga said wild animal meat was not inspected by veterinary officers therefore, those who eat the meat could suffer from unknown diseases.

He explained that eating wild animal meat endangers the life of wild animals like elephants, buffalos, dik-diks and the species of Mang bay monkey and Red Columbus monkeys at Muchelelo Primate Game Reserve at Mnazi area Wenje division in Tana River Sub County.

He also said eating wild animals’ meat undermines the tourists’ attraction activities in the County and denies the National government revenue.

The warden appealed to the people whose kinsmen/women were attacked injured and killed by wild animals not to change their telephone numbers after reporting the incidents to KWS personnel so that for compensation they could be reached for payment.

He said there were cases whereby some beneficiaries had changed telephone numbers and they missed out during the compensation period.



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