Serve residents impartially, chiefs urged

Kajiado County Commissioner Mr. Wilson Wanyanga has called on chiefs, being civil servants, to serve wananchi without favouritism.

Wanyanga who was speaking on Thursday during the installation of newly promoted Jackson Nakasi from assistant chief to a chief said chiefs are supposed to serve all people in their area of jurisdiction without bias or favouritism.

Wanyanga advised Nakasi who was assistant chief, Ilasit Sub Location Entarara Location in Rombo ward to work diligently for further considerations for promotions in future.

In addition, the County Commissioner further lauded chief Nakasi that his leadership can elevate him to a higher rank in the future, and he is capable to become a prominent leader from Entarara location.

On the other hand, Kajiado Governor, Joseph Ole Lenku who graced the event pleaded with the residents from Entarara locality to coordinate and support chief Nakasi to foster peaceful coexistence.

Ole Lenku told the community to distance themselves from clanism and bigotry and instead support Nakasi for realization of the development needed in their area.

Speaking during the event, Nakasi promised the residents of Entarara location he would prioritize security of the area, education and serve the residents with equity without discrimination on clan, race and gender.

Separately Ole Lenku together with Wanyanga warned the people from Loitokitok Sub County against grazing their livestock towards the neighboring Tanzania to avoid border conflicts with the Tanzanian government.

The County Commissioner cited cases in the recent past whereby pastoralists from Kajiado South had taken their livestock for grazing in the neighborhood of Tanzania looking for pastures due to drought, a situation that led to their arrest and heavy fines by the Tanzanian government.

On the other hand, Ole Lenku urged the pastoralists to look for alternative sources of pasture in order to prevent border conflicts with neighboring Tanzania.



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