Shock as village administrator brutally murder wife

A village administrator brutally murdered his wife yesterday night at Koguta village in Muhoroni sub county of Kisumu.

Muhoroni Police Commander Mr. David Minui while shedding light on the incident said the matter was reported to them by neighbours.

Minui said that they have commenced investigations to unravel what could have precipitated the heinous act even as neighbours disclosed that they used to have persistent fights.

He disclosed that the husband claimed that the wife was having an illicit affair outside their marriage.

“Denis Okoth, 36, from Kogutu village had a quarrel with his wife Lucy Aluoch with the cause of the misunderstanding attributed to infidelity,” explained the OCPD.

As a result of the altercation, the wife was brutally injured and was rushed to Catholic Mission Hospital at Awasi but the management turned her away.

Attempts to rush her to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH) proved futile as she succumbed on arrival.

Nyangoma Chief Joseph Ambila confirmed the incident, pointing out that the man has for long demonstrated violent streaks.

Ambila narrated how the suspect wielding a machete chased the wife around before inflicting several cuts on her including her head.

The chief identified the suspect who is a village administrator in Nyangoma as Denis Oluoch. The body was taken to JOOTRH morgue to await post mortem.



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