Speeding truck kills boda boda rider

Lugari Sub County Police Commander Bernard Ngungu has urged Motorists using Eldoret-Webuye highway to be cautious in order to avert reckless road accidents.

Ngungu was speaking after a motorbike rider died on the spot after being run over by a speeding truck at Mabanga near Kipkaren market, along the same highway.

He said the deceased who was riding from Webuye towards Eldoret was hit from the back and ran over by the truck that was following him, killing him on the spot.

He said the deceased was a student at Sang’alo Institute in Bungoma County, who was being sponsored by the government through the National Youth Service (NYS) program.

Ngungu reiterated that truck drivers need to be cautious while driving along the highway, while minding the lives of other road users.

The body was removed from the scene by officers from Lumakanda police station and taken to Kimbilio mortuary in the neighbouring Uasin Gishu County.



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