Women aspirants

Women aspirants were cautioned against copying the negative traits of male politicians and instead endeavour to initiate the sought after change because society is poised to usher in ethical leaders who can make a difference.

Speaking today during a press conference in Nakuru city, Jesse Karanja the chairman of the People’s Watch lobby, said they have noted with concern some women aspirants who have replicated the negative traits of buying voters and using foul language.

Karanja assured women political candidates countrywide that the time was ripe for them to ascend to leadership positions, both at the county assemblies, and in the National Assembly, if only they wooed the voters differently.

He said the assumption that women are not electable was an archaic mentality because communities have appreciated their leadership as school heads, church leaders and stewards of community organizations.

However, he regretted that the women leaders who have proved themselves at the community leadership and in business tend to shy away from the ‘madness of politics’ as practiced locally.

Karanja assured women aspirants in Nakuru County that they are doing everything possible to ensure that nobody disrupts their meetings and dares attack them.

He commended the residents for the maturity they have shown during the ongoing campaign period, by being peaceful, and not defacing or destroying their opponents’ posters and billboards.

Karanja also said the residents of the county want to move away from the negative traits of being referred to as the ‘hotbed of politics’ because the tag has negative connotations that have not added any economic value to the lives of residents.

He urged the media to portray the county in positive light it stands for such as the most multi-ethnic county and a people with a hardworking spirit that contributes 40 per cent to the country’s GPD.



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