Tana River County Governor urged to build sheds for boda  bodas

Tana River County Boda boda chairman Mr. Daniel Jillo Hamara has appealed to the second term Tana River County Governor Major (RTD) Daddo Gothana to build sheds for riders in the County to ensure the boda bodas are well sheltered during rain seasons.

Speaking to the press in Hola Town today, Hamara said the governor had promised the operators that, when re-elected all those who are not trained will be skilled and get driving licenses from the County government of Tana River.

Hamara therefore, called on the governor to do as promised arguing, County revenue officers collected cess from the operators, but are working in unfriendly working conditions like lack of sheds and toilets at designated stages.

He said, “I appeal to the County government to create a good working condition for us since we are paying taxes to the government.”

He said, the County revenue officers collect cess from under trees where they take shelter as they wait for their customers.

He further added during calls of nature, operators are forced to hide behind trees and shops hence, the County should build toilets.



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