The Muslim community in Kiambu County seek recognition

The Muslim community in Kiambu County have requested among other things be considered in County Government employment positions and education bursaries allocation.

The Committee of Imams in Kiambu submitted its requests, yesterday, to the Kiambu County Governor, James Nyoro, claiming to have been left out in spite of their significant population in the county.

Led by their Chairman, Imam Mohamed Shahib, the group asked for inclusion in employment positions and educational bursaries, arguing that they are bona fide members of the region just like other religious groups.

“We may not be the largest group in the county, but our population of about 50,000 Muslims present in Kiambu County cannot be ignored,” said Imam Shahib

He added that the Muslim community are educated and have professionals who if incorporated into the government, can help the county in propagating economic development.

Imam Shahib called on the County and National governments to consider their children for education bursaries to empower them in academics and increase their employment opportunities.

“We are treated as outcasts in our own county, nobody in this community has benefited with employment or educational bursaries, even after our children applied for the positions they are qualified,” lamented the Muslim clergy.

Speaking during the meeting held at the Kiambu Sub-county Offices, Nyoro used the opportunity to rally for votes for his candidature for the governor position in Kiambu from the Muslim community and promised the Muslims equitable distribution of resources and jobs opportunities.

“Am aware that Kiambu is home to many Communities since 40 percent are non-native and Kikuyus are 60 percent. I therefore, intent to involve you in my administration if elected back to office,” said Nyoro

Nyoro also promised land rates waiver on all Mosques built on urban land all across the county.

“I intend to put aside Sh5 billion in Kiambu Education Fund, meant for bursaries and the ECD feeding programme, which will include Madrasa feeding programme too,” added Nyoro.

Muslims, understandably, are perceived as a crucial vote bank due to their increasingly rising population in the county and country wide.



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